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Messages - vettie

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 14
General Discussion / Re: test only
« on: June 18, 2013, 05:52:23 PM »
IE10 runs in "standards compliant" mode by default now. Prior versions  run in compatibility mode by default.
At the top of the browser is an Icon that looks like torn sheet of paper. That's the on/off switch for compatibility mode.
Try switching modes and see if that fixes the issue.


yep not sure what was going on.

TODAY things seem to work fine....

Dont know what the cause was and THAT is what bothers me, that and the fact that it was only those 2 web sites. Course i didnt try too many different ones.

oh well, whatever, seems to be fine now...

General Discussion / Re: test only
« on: June 17, 2013, 02:29:31 PM »
If I use IE10 on this site and/or the MWo site, IF i start or reply to a thread, the return key does not work.
If i use Firefox or Opera, it works fine.

Something is amiss...

General Discussion / test only
« on: June 16, 2013, 05:44:43 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Studio Day
« on: June 10, 2013, 10:34:28 AM »

Great to hear from you!!

Appreciate the wishes and prayers..

I know times are hard, believe me I know, but when you gonna get rigged up and join the fun?

Mech nut has actually joined us a few times, altho he is struggling with the keyboard and mouse controls.

MOST of the old crew are on (some every night).

I think DDays Comms are still up, but we now use C3 (must have Win 7 and .net up to version 4 updated and installed to use, not sure about the win 7 part but pretty sure.)

Anyway we play most every night and we even do some organized drops (called 8 mans) now and then until the 'league' portion begins.

Again, as much as we enjoy the game, its the 'friends' on comms together that make it what it is.

The game is really cool tho, looks good, awesome really and complex enough to sink some teeth into, yet simple enough to dive into it and start shooting.

General Discussion / Re: Studio Day
« on: June 09, 2013, 08:58:31 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Studio Day
« on: June 08, 2013, 03:36:03 PM »
He doesn't want to admit it but he is the one wearing the jersey lol ;) .

ZVettie I always thought you would look more gangsta!

For 30+ yrs I had to keep the Corporate Haircut, wear a shirt and a tie. When I retired, and after my mother, then my sister died (last surviving relatives) I got rid of all my ties and let the hair grow. I am on MY time now, no clock, no "have to's", no appointments unless I make them and damn meetings with people I have to try to impress knowing I will see them once maybe twice..

So I am a grumpy old hippie that is pretty damn happy.

The guy in the Jersey is actually a police officer for his 'real job', but he can throw down a pretty decent bass back beat. He HAS to cut his hair to meet regulations. 2 of the other members in the band are 'baldies' (by choice) having zero head hair, but got them goats around their lips and chins. The drummer, of course, is a lot like me, having longer hair and doesnt give a damn about squat, other than making music and his (now grown) kids.

So no gangsta, no ties, just a frickin old hippie that managed to keep his hair.

On a more serious note, and I do mean serious, you probably think I am large around the center portion.  Altho the shirt is too big for me (but it was clean), I recently got some news from my Doc that they are pretty sure I have a tumour or a cyst. Endoscopy earlier this week and a snippit from the top side reveals it most likely IS a tumour but the preliminary feedback is that is benign in nature.

They want to do the other side of it and take a snippit to verify. In either event, they say the tumour is large and that it needs to come out.  IF it is not benign, of course the procedure is a little more touchy. The damn thing lies between the lower side of my stomach, gall bladder, maybe pancreas and intestines. They estimate it at roughly 12 to 15lbs.

I said things like darn, and crap and wtf are you talking about, you know stuff like that. So They want to do the colonoscopy and take a snippit. Then they will know for sure. Sometime in the next month or so, i guess I get to have the butt cam installed and uninstalled. Yay.

Just so you know, I dont like Doctors much or hospitals. Not afraid of them, just not my favourite things, but I guess I will get the colon deal done and go from there. I would rather them just go get it and be done, not have to go for 2 to 4 different installments, like they suggest.

Oh yeah, one other thing. This whole deal really pisses me off. I might be a bitch at times and I might be grumpy and I might offer to beat your kids for you, but its just a way of releasing frustrations. IF needed, I apologize up front.

General Discussion / Studio Day
« on: May 26, 2013, 01:02:26 PM »
So some of you know I manage a couple of bands and sometimes get to perform with them.

One of the bands had signed up for some studio time yesterday and we were to have a show as well. The show was rescheduled by the venue for some obscure reason, but that worked out for the best.

Our Studio time actually started Thursday and Friday. We took our equipment and did all the set ups and adjustments to dial in pre-sets for the songs we decided to cut. Thursday was mostly drum day as everything has to be placed and mic'd, then tuned to get the right sound. This can take hours and pretty much did. The guitars and vocals are relatively easy.

The studio, had separate rooms for 2 guitars (players), 1 vocalist (the guitar areas are also mic'd for vocals). The bass and drums CAN be in the same room or different ones, just depends on the band. Some bassist sing so like to be separate from the drum kits. Ours was not, and the bassist ran direct to the sound board instead of through amps, so again set up was easy.

Our day started at 10a. We all actually showed up and on time, a good sign. We had 10 tracks to lay down.  By 1.p we had 3 good foundations. We did 2 takes on almost every song to pick the best of the 2. One of our standard songs (all originals by the way), that we ahve been doing since nearly day one, was actually the hardest to get right. Live we just do it and it works. Studio, well, we had to do 6 takes to get it close to what we wanted, lol.

By 8p last night, we had all the songs down and were going back to do any touch ups where needed, beginning with the drums. I only played on 2 of the tracks (acoustic guitar) and 1 rhythm. I actually got them right (after a couple of false starts). When we listened to the playback, we were happy. The lead player, was going to do his solos today as well as the bass touch ups. Vocal will be done later next week.

When we finish the touch ups, we will have 10 tracks ready for mastering. We havent decided on a mastering studio yet, not have we gathered the funds, Lol. However, the tracks came out pretty damn good, There are some effects we want to add, and sound spreading we want to do, but now that the tracks are down, that is a (more or less) simple task using the studio software. What this means is the stereo split applied, some fade in tracks, sound level changes and a few sound effects that we recorded, to place in the songs in certain areas.

Anyway, once all the mix downs are down, i will see if I can place a couple of tracks on soundcloud so I can link them for you guys.

In the mean time I got a couple of photos that someone grabbed of me in the guitar studio. and one of me with our bass player looking in the drum room from the vocal studio...

Me in the guitar studio

Vettie and Al goofing around in the vocal room just after 'mis-adjusting' the harmonizer and vocal effects boards...

Technical Discussion / web Site
« on: May 12, 2013, 10:12:19 AM »
Smaga - Darloakes - Others who can -

There seems to once again be some issues with the Bloodpearls website.

ONCE you get to it, all is fine.

HOWEVER, some are reporting on comms that they can not even get to it. Ninja can not get to it at all. Lu is reporting issues like being squirrelly . It is not very fast to connect for me.

Can you or can you have someone check this out?


General Discussion / Re: mmmm, bacon
« on: May 11, 2013, 10:55:27 AM »
Just wanted to let everyone that I finally have my internet up and running again after two weeks of battling.

I will be on tomorrow (Sunday). Looking forward to catching up with everyone!  8)


we will put some bacon on the heat sinks for ya!

Well, I AM a prick and I do pilot a Wang so I am thinking the Wang caster for me next.

General Discussion / Bitchin Vettie
« on: March 16, 2013, 08:42:01 AM »
Any way to change either the Sticky Highlight colours? or the default colours?

You can not read the highlighted / stickied topic as it is now.


Not enough text allowed


Bad colours


No attachments


Yes - Bitchin Vettie is here

SOOOO What does Darlokes do anyway? pretty obvious his forum skills are slipping....LOL

General Discussion / Re: It's dead Jim
« on: March 09, 2013, 07:49:51 AM »

I am sure you made sure to plug the power supplies dedicated line to the vid card..

very likely the mobo took a header, damnit..

2 gauss slugs to the center mobo?

Well, bad as I hate to hear it, it looks like ASUS will be making another sale real soon...

General Discussion / Re: It's dead Jim
« on: March 06, 2013, 08:46:51 AM »

We figured that you had issues last night...

Se ya soon Cow

General Discussion / Re: If you have a problem, Bacon to the rescue!
« on: February 17, 2013, 04:35:52 PM »

I had to buy some more bacon so I could....

"Rub some Bacon on it, dadeedah da doh"

"rub some bacon on it"

"Everybody, join in now, let sing...
Rub some bacon on it"

General Discussion / Re: Fat Momma made the record books :P
« on: February 02, 2013, 11:56:09 AM »
She wa a big woman, weighed about 490lbs
I seent da girl and said, well he cockeyed anyway see
So she was tryin to get off da train see and she almost didnt fit
They wuz pushin her ass off sideways see
I went over to her and introduced myself I said m'am, ms. m'am, my names mudbone
And the bitch reached over and slapped me up side the head see
One o' dem gud ones, see, sounded
I thought, what? maybe this bitch done shot me see...

IF you DOnt bring me that turkey
you will see him AGAIN!

I suggest if you dont know what ^ that is, that you click the link below
Listen to tracks 11 and 12 in that order.
One of the funniest things I have ever heard.


I saw this guy in 1975 or 76 in Birmingham Alabama. Me and 3 other 'white guys'.
Only 4 in da house. He MADE us come sit up front. Made fun of us all damn night.
He did keep sending us drinks though. I thought I was gonna have to have my appendix removed from laffing so hard.
He did Mudbone that night.

When he came out on stage the 1st thing he said was
"Damn, there's a lot of n1773&$ here tonight. Look some white folk too.
Get your asses down here boys, I am gonna make some fun of you.
But before I get started, I gots one question?
Where did you park you car? This is a rough damn neighborhood and I dont want my benz stolen"

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