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Author Topic: MWO Joystick Info  (Read 6736 times)


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MWO Joystick Info
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:24:37 PM »
I have the same M$ P2 Pro stick.  Sadly as compared to MW4, I'm now driving a pickup (upgraded from a bus with new analog turning) as opposed to a Grand Prix race car. I'm hoping one day the developers will get around to improving it but they have much higher priorities in added content and bug fixes (both welcomed) to work on. Anyway, if you wish to become competitive I have been told "learn to use a mouse". In addition to setting up the joystick in the game options I have accumulated several modification lines in my C:\Games\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\user.cfg file. Note some of these commands (mostly toward the bottom) might be totally N/A with the current patch level. This is what I currently have in my user.cfg file (// = comments). Note the user.cfg will only modifly what is set up in game.  Also as patches come out some of these will change. Good Luck!

 cl_joystick_gain = 10 //The higher this value is set to, the faster a full throw of the joystick is going to move the reticule
 cl_joystick_sensitivity = 1 //The smaller this value is set to, the more sensitive your joystick will become
 cl_joystick_throttle_range = 0 //makes the throttle work in (Forward/Neutral/Reverse) mode.
 cl_joystick_invert_throttle = 1 /makes the throttle work in the right direction.
 cl_joystick_invert_pitch = 1 //Sets the y-axis(aka Pitch) in the right direction
 cl_joystick_invert_yaw = 0 //Sets the x-axis(aka yaw) in the right direction Added just in case you require to change your x-axis
 cl_joystick_invert_turn = 0
 I_joystick_deadzone = 0.3 //This is the amount of non-movement wiggle room when you're joystick is centered
 I_joystick_buffered = 0 //disables the Joystick buffering which greatly increases the joystick's sensitivity
 cl_fov = 70 (Field of view, <# < screen, makes you feel like the pilot, rather than the mech)
 r_MotionBlur = 0 //(Cures motion sickness)
 r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 16 //(Distant terrain texture awesomeness, does not seen to work with my PC)
 r_UseEdgeAA = 0 //(removes ENTIRE screen blurring [Fake AA], does not seen to work with my PC)

A few more tweaks.....   Not sure what is really working.

cl_joystick_gain = 11 //The higher this value is set to, the faster a full throw of the joystick is going to move the reticule
cl_joystick_sensitivity = 2  //The smaller this value is set to, the more sensitive your joystick will become
cl_joystick_throttle_range = 0  //makes the throttle work in (Forward/Neutral/Reverse) mode.
cl_joystick_invert_throttle = 1 /makes the throttle work in the right direction.
cl_joystick_invert_yaw = 0 //Sets the x-axis(aka yaw) in the right direction Added just incase you require to change your x-axis
cl_joystick_invert_turn = 0

;I_joystick_deadzone = 0.05  //This is the amount of non-movement wiggle room when you're joystick is centered
i_joystick_deadzone = 0.08 //The deadzone is Set at the lowest so that you get the maximum range of your joystick
cl_joystick_deadzone = 0.08 //You need both of these lines set the same to make the deadzone work properly

I_joystick_buffered = 0 //disables the Joystick buffering which greatly increases the joystick's sensitivity

cl_fov = 85  (Field of view, <# < screen, makes you feel like the pilot, rather than the mech)

r_MotionBlur = 0  //(Cures motion sickness)
r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 16  //(Distant terrain texture awesomeness)
r_UseEdgeAA = 0  //(removes ENTIRE screen blurring [Fake AA])

r_PostProcessEffects = 0 //(Hopefully lowers stress on my old CPU)
r_PostProcessEffectsFilters = 0
r_PostMSAA = 0


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